Monday, 10 December 2012

RECORDING CALLS - the saga continues (with a slight diversion to Judy Dyble and Mr Punch - THAT'S THE WAY TO DO IT)

Technofear continues apace here at the CFZ at the machines seem to be taking over and leaving us mere carbon-based life-forms to shudder in our burrows. OK, its not quite that bad, but its a monday morning and I am feeling quite apocalyptic. But there actually is good news. Regular readers will have been following the saga of my attempts to record a telephone conversation with Judy Dyble.

Well, it seems that somehow I actually have managed to get two separate accounts with those jolly nice people at record my call (who really are jolly nice people, and I am not using journalistic satire here at all). And it appears that whereas I thought that I was using one account, I actually was using another totally different one. And furthermore, because my nephew David set it up for me (because he is better at this sort of stuff than is his silly old uncle) the notifications of this have gone to his email address not mine. Goodness me!

I am currently waiting for David to email me the new log-in details (having locked myself out by accident) and hopefully the nightmare will be behind us.

Whilst on the subject of my article on this very same subject the other day, I am - not  for the first time in my life - left to agree with Bertrand Russell who once said ‘It is a misfortune for Anglo-American friendship that the two countries are supposed to have a common language’, (similar things are also said to have been spouted by Oscar Wilde, George Bernard Shaw, Winston Churchill, and of course me).

Hank in Wisconsin wrote berating me, accusing me of wanting to cause physical harm to "our beloved Judy Dyble". The reference "Punch in 'Judy'" was:

a. An allusion towards punching in data on a telephone keypad
b. a joke
c. a pun on Punch & Judy

But thank you Hank. We all appreciate your chivalry here at Gonzo Daily..

1 comment:

  1. Phew! So glad that's cleared up. So I am still wandering in the foggy mysteriousness of the internetted ether am I? That explains my lack of sensible thinking then... :-)
