Sunday, 16 December 2012

EXCLUSIVE: Michael Des Barres interview (Part Two)

I always enjoy talking to Michael Des Barres; he has a ridiculously hectic schedule, and does some fascinating things, but his underlying philosophy is very similar to mine. Yesterday afternoon I had two film directors here, they were talking to Corinna and me about a film project based on our monthly webTV show On The Track. In the middle of this my housekeeper Helen and her irrepressible daughter Jessica (to whom I have been Uncle Jon for most of her life) arrived, and then - with all this madness around me - I telephoned Michael.

By the way you can read Part One here...

JON: When live albums are done properly they’re absolutely the best thing.

MICHAEL: They really are.  How many times have you heard bands say ‘oh the record’s great man but you should hear us live’? How many times have you heard that?

Also most bands are different live than in the studio anyway, it’s a totally different vibe.
Yeah. They take on a whole other life when you got out and play them on tour because you improvise stuff and you really feel the essence of that song, which is twofold for me, because I played them like before I recorded them and after I recorded them, you know. They grow exponentially even more into…’ll hear when you listen to it.  The songs are the same songs, but there’s much interplay instrumentally and with the crowd.

JON: How many tracks are on the album?

MICHAEL: There are 10 songs on the album and I can give you the list if you like.

JON: Please

MICHAEL: OK so the first song is Carnaby Street, the second song is Painkiller, the third song is Hot and Sticky, the fourth song is Stop in the Name of Love,  the fifth song is Please Stay, the sixth song is Detective Man, the seventh Little Latin Lover..

JON: In English or in Spanish?

MICHAEL: It’s in English, then there are three songs in a medley starting with My Baby Saved my Ass transitioning into I Don’t Need No Doctor – the classic Humble Pie song – and ending with Get It On – the T Rex song which I sang with The Power Station which we do like The Stooges..

JON: My favourite live album of all time is Metallic KO

MICHAEL: No question – absolutely correct

JON: Followed by MC5 the first one Kick out the Jams

MICHAEL: Yeah totally and that is because they sound like …when people send me their live record no  you didn’t you changed the bass part, you had somebody come in and sing the harmonies in tune, and you did another solo you bastard. I didn’t change a fucking thing. You hear every clunky note, mike stand falling over and every tambourine dropping, and that to me is what rock and roll is, it is not clean.  You know clean and rock and roll do not belong in the same sentence. 

Once again Michael and I are ad idem, and so it seems like an apposite place to leave him for today. We shall be back tomorrow.

CD - £9.99

Carnaby Street
CD - £9.99

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