Sunday, 1 April 2012

HAWKWIND: How weird is that?

As most readers may have gathered by now, I am a Fortean researcher as well as a rock music historian, and the older I get, the more I find that the universe seems to operate by its own peculiar logick that has very little to do with what we experience as consensus reality. Phenomena happen in waves, as do people's enthusiasms. For example, tofday, Google News Alerts flagged up two totally different stories relating to Hawkwind's 1975 'Warrior on the edge of Time' album. How weird is that?

Hawkwind -1975 - Warrior at the Edge of Time
Quality: 5 out of 5

Trip-O-Meter: 4.75 out of 5

I'd put this album up as the moment when Hawkwind were directly bathed by the cosmic rays of the celestial one-mind. Y'know, we need a good sci-fi way to call this their best album. Everything we need for prime Hawkwind is present and accounted for. Long-winded, psychedelic heavy metal anthems? Check. Weird, rambling Michael Moorcock spoken interludes? Check. Insane 70's analog synthesizers screamin? Check. Lemmy? Check. Yeah, in many ways Hawkwind was (or is, really) the real life Spinal Tap, but that equates to nothing but awesome on this platter.

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This album was Hawkwind’s most polished at the time, and one that would signal the abrupt end of the group’s tenure on UA, which was a pity. But this sixth and final album (discounting the contract-fulfilling, cross-faded “Roadhawks” compilation) was where Hawkwind’s initial burst of space-metal punk blur-outs joined at the hips with druggie busking would be in full force for the final time as pan-galactic mystery tunes are interspersed between nocturnal instrumental bridges. Lead guitarist Dave Brock was on a total songwriting high as “Warrior” held three of his stupendous psychedelic traumas in the shape of both sides’ respective openers: “Assault And Battery”/“Golden Void” on side one and “Magnu” on side two.

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And from a different corner of the Internet....

I had a friend who was almost as fanatical about Hawkwind as I am. That friend is no longer with us having passed away a week ago today. This post is for him. I’m thinking about you buddy & hope you’ll keep jamming the space rock wherever you are...

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