Sunday, 22 April 2012


Merrell Fankhauser's Tiki Lounge Volume Two

If you have a DVD / CD Merrell Fankhauser's Tiki Lounge Volume One "gets his hands can you say that there is thunder on a" Volume Two "in the making. Well, this 'Volume Two' is here now for me to excel. Just like on "Volume One" plays Merrell Fankhauser again host for six TV shows. "Merrell Fankhauser's Tiki Lounge Volume Two" has all the characteristics, both good and less good , of his predecessor. The picture quality is somewhat mediocre, but the sound quality is ok, although the program fascinates me something less than 'Volume One'. This may be because Merrell Fankhauser a more prominent role demands. In the first show attracts Merrell Fankhauser to Portland, Oregon where he and his son Tim holds a jam session on a specially-designed Impact guitar. The show is thus called 'Road Trip to Oregon. Highlights include the wonderful instrumental "Long Rifle" and their instrumental version of "All Along The Watchtower '. Show 2 is titled "Nevada Desert Show (UFO) and is in fact 'The Best Of Merrell Fankhouser', with a peak for his version of "Viva Las Vegas". then say "Merrell Fankhouser And Friends: A Night of Classic Rock" on the menu and there is also the sound quality a bit disappointing, especially when their version of "Johnny B. Goode." For friends who then falls again one Eric Brittain favorably with his 'Acoustic Rag'. Show four revolves around Mary Ramsey, the successor to Natalie Merchant Maniacs '10 .000 ', with an interview and her performance of "High Heel Sneakers" and "You Is not Goin 'Nowhere'. When the interview is particularly the drawling way of talking of Merrell Fankhauser on. And then there's 'Rhino Event Of Where The Action Is: LA Nuggets', which some interviews are with surprising and almost forgotten monuments like Billy Hensche of the sixties fledgling trio Dino , Desi & Billy, Mark Tulin of The Electric Prunes and John Charles from The Knickerbockers. The Chantays fantastic play of our socks with their classic "Pipeline". Instrumental surf rock could indeed cause anxiety. The final show 6 is another Merrell Fankhauser Show, on "The Fourth Of July in 2010" was broadcast.Together with John Cipollina (ex-Quicksilver Messenger Service) he brings 'That's All Right Mama'. In the accompanying band we recognize again son Tim. Merrell Fankhauser imagines himself Jimi Hendrix in the year 1969 and raises "The Star Spangled Banner 'at.It is not for nothing 'The Fourth Of July. " The accompanying CD is the DVD again, but without the image and there are songs like "The Star Spangled Banner ',' the beautiful 'Long Rifle', the lesser 'Johnny B. Goode, "" All Along The Watchtower, "the inevitable" Tiki Lounge Theme 'and some songs, all without exception on the DVD prevented. The least you 'Merrell Fankenhauser's Tiki Lounge Volume Two "can say is that he, regardless of the slightly lesser quality than 'Volume One', continues to fascinate. Merrell Fankhauser helps us rediscover forgotten heroes from he sixties. Ivan Van Belleghem (3)

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