Friday, 27 April 2012

CURVED AIR: It happened today

I have always been very fond of the music of Curved Air. However, watching their DVD in the massively groovy Gonzo series, 'The Lost Broadcasts', last night, I was struck by sometjhing. Back in the day, when I was about 14 I cherished a mad passion for Sonja Kristina, the chanteuse with the band. She would have been about 23 at the time, which would have made her definitely into the realm of 'the older woman'.

I remember confessing my mad passion to my mother, who sniffed in a disapproving manner. I showed her a picture of Sonja and she sniffed even more. You could see Ms Kristina's elbows, and apparently that was a sign of being a loose woman of the worst sort. Sonja Kristina joined the Duke of Windsor, Oscar Wilde, and the woman at #17 as being people who were never to be mentioned at the dinner table again.

Watching the DVD with my lovely wife last night, I was struck by how pleasant and respectable Sonja looked. In a day where many popstrels are anorexic young women prancing around in their underwear, Sonja Kristina looks like the unspoiled girl-next-door.

I know that my parents were ridiculously old fashioned for their time, and I am probably a bit libertarian for mine, but it is a mark of how times have changed...

Check out the Gonzo artist page for the album

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