Friday, 12 October 2012


There is a new letter from the mighty Chris Thompson on his website...
Hi All,
What happens to time I ask myself!
Having had a patchy summer of concerts, which was supposed to give me time to finish all my unfinished projects, here I am getting ready for a very busy last few months of the year, with my studio still not finished and lots of unfinished songs…oh well! I did however have lots of time with my family and a holiday in Greece, so I mustn’t grumble.
I finally have finished copies of my Jazz / Big Band CD called “ Do Nothing Till You Hear From Me” (one of the song titles) which is released in Germany, Austria and Switzerland on 25th September. I have a TV show on the A.R.D Morning Show in Germany on Tuesday the 25th September, to mark this occasion which I’m really looking forward to except for the fact I have to be at the studios at 4.00am!!! It will be live at 6 am and shown every hour until 9 am.
The CD will be released in England and the Benelux countries on the 22nd October so look out for it. I believe it’s available on iTunes as we speak. I have a show with “The Lumberjacks”, a young Big Band from Göppingen on the 25th of November. I’m really looking forward to performing the CD and other songs with them live, a quick rehearsal the other day was fantastic and lots of fun.
After our gig at the Masters Of Rock Antenne in Augsburg on the 6th of October.
Mads, Gunnar, Frank, Zsolt and I begin our German tour in Berlin on the 11th of October. All the way through the summer we were all saying how much we were looking forward to this, so we could really stretch ourselves, have some fun and get that “ real live band” feeling that only touring can give a us. As always I’m looking forward to playing some new songs and resurrecting some old favourites, while retaining the basis of our show. Our aim for this tour is to never play the same set 2 nights in a row; let’s see how we do eh!  All the tour dates and venues are here on the website and we look forward to seeing you all somewhere along the way. Special greeting and best wishes go out to our friends Kath and Paul Bearfield, and we look forward to seeing you both on the tour.
Well, I’m off to do some practice, write some lyrics, tidy up the studio, but first a cup of tea!
Keep well and keep on Rockin’.
Best wishes,
Chris Thompson
Check out Chris Thompson's Gonzo Artist Page

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