Friday, 7 September 2012


I was going to blog about this, but my lovely wife Corinna beat me to it..

Being under the impression that Jon and I were going to settle down to watch a couple of episodes of House MD, I wandered into the sitting room last night, plonked myself down in the chair and proceeded to get to work on one of the Christmas (bah humbug) presents that I am making. I am one of those folks who just cannot sit and watch TV; I have to be doing something at the same time so as not to waste any valuable opportunity to stitch something.

However, Hugh Laurie was not to be (gosh, he is adorable) because Jon was in the throes of watching Prog Britannia – a programme about um… prog rock in Britain.

I decided on a quick snack (being on a diet such things are not indulgent these days. No chocolate, popcorn or crisps for me – yoghurts all the way). Settling back down, with the awesome flavour of a Müller (yay advertising!) vanilla yoghurt bursting on my tastebuds, my ears began to pick up on what was being said on the programme.

Then it happened.

I nearly choked (yes this is possible whilst eating yoghurt, and it is extremely messy, especially when it splutters forth and splatters on the wall) when Phil Collins and Rick Wakeman were explaining that going to gigs was not really a ‘girl’ thing. Something along the lines of ‘the girls would stand looking bemused’. Eh? Now look you two….I know of at least two girls who used to stand (or sit) at gigs back along…..and I can assure you that we did not have looks of bemusement upon our faces. Jon laughed when he looked over and saw my indignant expression at such an outlandish generalisation.

Read the rest here

OK, I know that I am biased (being her husband) but I have always been a fan of Corinna's writing, and I think you would be well advised to join her blog. You know it makes sense...

Check out Rick's Gonzo Artist Page

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