Sunday, 23 September 2012


I am still reeling from the MDB Band's performance at the Viper Room last night.  I can count on one hand the times when I've been witness to a band that literally blows the roof off of a club. 

It was a very sweaty night in Los Angeles - the Viper room was so packed that the cocktail waitresses had to literally confine themselves to walking the outer perimeter of the club in the hopes that they could deliver their drinks to the right people.  I was trapped for the evening between what seemed like a member of the Hell's Angels and a throng of post-pubescent babes that were pushing forward to get closer to the stage.  I've been at the Viper room many, many times, and I've never seen it so packed.

I've also heard this band a few times, and they have never been tighter, more animated, and more in tune to creating a sound that epitomizes what rock is all about.  It's crazy, but it seemed like each song was more frenzied, more energetic than the one before it.  When Michael pleaded to the band to 'hit him', it was like a dare for the band to coalesce and tighten into a semi-automatic weapon.  The rhythm section was unbelievably tight. 

We must support this band to the level of fame that not only they deserve, but the public deserves.  This was a live show of which I haven't witnessed in years.  It all boils down to COMMITMENT.  When you get seasoned, professional musicians together who are focused on the same goal, then you are witness to the true art form that rock 'n roll is.

It is not enough that this band plays rooms like last night.  This is a band that has re-defined rock.  MDB is a front man that not only harkens back to an age when music was raw and unprocessed, but he is a life lesson that embodies fitness, sexuality and passion.  Had they gone on longer, I'm sure the panties would have flown onstage.

I don't think I've ever been inspired to generate a communication like this, and I've seen some huge bands where I was involved in either the business or marketing end, and it would have behooved me to send in a congratulatory letter.  I am inspired by this band.  I am motivated by this band.  I want to ride the coat tails of Michael Des Barre and worship in whatever church that houses the fountain of youth that he drinks from.

This is not a congratulatory letter, this is a warning shot to all involved that this band, the MDB band, is going to make their mark on music, and we must be a part of it.  Each musician on that stage last night was off the hook!  I can't wait to be a part of this band's growth, recognition and momentum.

Rock is not dead!

Sincerely and in solidarity to the success of the Michael Des Barres Band,

Richard Stellar

If you have not done so already, check out Michael'sGonzo Artist Page

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