Sunday, 6 January 2013


By Jeb Wright, February 2011
As the Editor of Classic Rock Revisited I get a lot of music sent to me for review. Most of it is unsolicited so therefore I do not always have a chance to get to it. Usually, if it is an artist or band that I have never heard then I will try to give it a quick listen and make a snap judgment and decide if the disc goes in the review rotation or not. More often than not, it goes in the wastebasket. Trust me, there is a lot of bad music out there. Just think of it as bands that have the same deluded belief as many of the people who try out for American Idol.

Once in a while, however, a CD comes in that I didn’t ask for, didn’t know existed and am not readily aware of who the artist is and I end up loving it. Such is the case with Liam Davison’sTreasure of Well-Set Jewels. Think Pink Floyd meets early Genesis, Gong and a touch of free form Jazz and you have the music that is bouncing around in Liam’s heart and soul. This is good stuff. So good that a simple review was not enough. I wanted to find out more about this man and where this music came from.

While I was not aware of Liam’s career, once I read the press release I realized he has been involved in the UK band Mostly Autumn, a very good prog band, think Floyd meets Jethro Tull.

It is exciting that there is still music like Mostly Autumn and Liam Davison out there. As classic rock lovers we may need to seek out bands across the pond from the USA to discover them but they are there and once you discover a good one then you put them on your iPod play list forever. Read this interview then head over to Wymer Records and snatch this sucker up. You can thank me later.

Jeb: Congratulations on an amazing album. This is as much a work of art as music. I am very impressed.
Liam: Thank you, it’s much appreciated.
Jeb: Where has all of this music been all these years? Why wait till now to record and release it?
Liam: The only reason it has been released is because it got backing from Wymer Records otherwise I wouldn’t have imagined it going beyond the four walls of my room.

Read on...


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