Saturday, 26 January 2013

HAWKWIND: WTF Strangeness and Charm

This is very strange. Through those jolly nice people at Google News Alerts I saw a page advertising Hawkwind's gig in Bedford on Sunday. Being a civic-minded sort of fellow, and knowing that le grande fromage is going to the gig, I decided to post a link to it.

I found the headline:

"Hawkwind’s Space rock at Bedford Corn Exchange"

Yes. I thought. Succinct and to the point. I could probably have done something more imaginative like "In search of Space? - Go to Bedford" or "Silver Machines land at Bedford", but yes. That is a functional headline.

Then I read the text:

Legendary UK space-rockers Hawkwind headline the Corn Exchange in Bedford on Sunday night.
The band formed in the late 1960s and have released more than 25 albums. They still play to packed venues across the world with original overlord, Dave Brock, at the helm. Support is by Maria Daines Band. Tickets cost £20, doors open at 7.30pm.
Again, sussinct. Not particularly imaginitive prose here, but it does the job that it should so. I have never heard of the Maria Daines Band, but they seem rocky enough, and have appeared at various hip charity events. She is an animal rights activist and is quoted as saying:

"'I endeavour to give sentient beings a voice in song to make their plight visible and their stories heard, the fight to overcome injustice and cruelty must never be silent! Compassion is the vital link that makes life bearable when all else fails'"


From what I can see, she is a perfectly suitable opening act for Hawkwind and has done it before at Stamford last year.

And then I saw the illustration. Is it a picture of Hawkwind? No. Is it a picture of Maria Daines? Nope. It does not seem to have any relevance to any story or link on the page. WTF? (as my darling stepdaughters would say)...

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