Rob Ayling writes:
"Thom the World poet, is an old mate of mine from way back in my history. Even pre-dating Voiceprint, when I was running "Otter Songs" and Tom's poetry tapes and guest appearences with Daevid Allen, Gilli Smyth, Mother Gong are well known and highly regarded. It just felt right to include a daily poem from Thom on our Gonzo blog and when I approached him to do so, he replied with in seconds!!! Thom is a great talent and just wants to spread poetry, light and positive energy across the globe. If we at Gonzo can help him do that - why not? why not indeed!!" (The wondrous poetpic is by Jack McCabe, who I hope forgives me for scribbling all over it with Photoshop)
I do not know that I do not know
until someone asks me what I know,
and I have no answer. My path uncertain as Heisenberg/
curved fractal Mandelbrot, particle emotional physics
psychic weather patterns, spiritual breakfasts and begged cups of coffee.
Laughter finds me in the life boat rather than Titanic.
Goodwill our crew, happy and hearty and hale and healthy
We actually LIKE each other (and not as in FACEBOOK!)
Campfire conversations spark whenever we meet, and greet each other by first name
You do not need to know (even if you do! - knowledge is such random data)
Who smiles on computers? Who spends more time on iphone rather than humans?
Discarded models are us. Piles of FACEBOOK friends, deleted addresses,
Ask Akashic Records for all your emails. Somewhere,in a cloud..
Meantime, in our Dreamtime,we spend time like money
with those who love with or without fear, who hold us precious as air
who breathe deeply, live fully, and forgive us our Blessed Foolishness.
For this alone - gratitude! For all else - more gratitudes! THANK YOU FOR BREATHING
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