Judy Dyble, the legendary and reclusive former Fairport Convention and Trader Horne singer, re-emerged in 2009 with the most powerful and personal album of her 41 year career. Now Gonzo are releasing it in America .
"Co-produced by No-Man's Tim Bowness and Cromer Museum's Alistair Murphy, who both also co-wrote the songs with Judy, Talking With Strangers, described by the BBC as a “sophisticated triumph”, is a rich combination of seductive melodies, cinematic arrangements and poignant autobiographical reflections that references aspects of Judy's distinguished Folk Prog Rock past, while forging a wholly contemporary identity that draws on Judy's personal experiences over the last two decades and her renewed enthusiasm for making music.
Featuring stunning guest performances from, amongst others, Jacqui McShee (Pentangle), Julianne Regan (All About Eve), Simon Nicol (Fairport Convention), Celia Humphris (Trees) and King Crimson's Robert Fripp, Ian McDonald and Pat Mastelotto, Talking With Strangers effortlessly moves from the intimate to the epic, and the heartbreaking to the uplifting.
From the pastoral bliss of Dreamtime to the dark musings of the duet Grey October Day, via the immense and ultimately celebratory 20 minute Prog Folk epic Harpsong, Talking With Strangers is a bold and ambitious return for one of British music's lost treasures.
From the pastoral bliss of Dreamtime to the dark musings of the duet Grey October Day, via the immense and ultimately celebratory 20 minute Prog Folk epic Harpsong, Talking With Strangers is a bold and ambitious return for one of British music's lost treasures.
Expect a critique of the album (which sounds fantastic) and an interview very soon...
Great album! I have the original pressing from 09 and it doesn't disappoint. Guess I'll have to get the new release on vinyl also. Ranks up there with Trader Horne. Enjoy...