Wednesday, 8 August 2012


And so the great Liz Fraser debate continues. It all started when Gonzo roving reporter Davey Curtis who wrote about Ms Fraser's warm up gig in Bath and compared it wistfully at the days of the Cocteau Twins. I then got hold of some YouTube videos of both the Bath Gig and the Meltdown gig in London, and posted disagreeing with Davey and saying how gorgeous I though that her new sound was.

Yesterday, the ever lovely Ms McCookerybook wrote to me supporting my point of view, and I found this review on her website.

No doubt the debate will run and run.

Yesterday my friend Jane (who used to be a student at the University of the West and is now the A&R at 4AD who signed Bon Iver, and discovered and signed the tUne-yArDs, Grimes and watch-this space) texted me with the offer of a ticket to Antony Hegarty's Meltdown night that featured Liz Fraser.

Wow! What a brilliant thing to do! I have not seen Jane for ages which made it a double yes please.

The QEH was packed to the rafters with the odd pop star floating about (Romeo from the Magic Numbers, for instance) and an awful lot of chaps who were of the age to have dreamed unsavoury teenage dreams about poor Liz. I am not surprised she's not keen on doing gigs.
It means a lot to see artists (particularly female ones) who started up at the same time as me, and in particular people who John Peel championed, so this was a very special night.
She came on to the stage to an almost Olympian roar and I have to say, she looks amazing, Her hair is almost white and cropped elfin short, and she wore a fitted white jacket and a silver skirt that made her look like the frost queen from a children's fairy tale; and of course the way she looked totally matched that high and ethereal voice.

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