Saturday, 2 February 2013


Hawkwind fan Si Deards videoed the start  of their Bedford show last weekend - the 1972 narrative "The Awakening" followed by the even older number "Master of the Universe":

And the blog site "Louder than War" has some interesting things to say about the Manchester gig a couple of days previously:

Manchester Ritz
25th January 2013
The space rock veterans are on tour again, but are they relevant in 2013? More so than you might have expected, it seems.€
One of the stupider things I've read about music this past year - aside, obviously, from all that "guitar music is back!" bollocks (gosh, yes, it was terrible in 2012 wasn't it when there were no guitar bands at all anywhere, well apart from the maybe 400-ish I personally saw and another few hundred thousand worldwide) - is a quote whose origin I can't even be arsed looking up, but apparently someone wrote or said of brilliant new-ish Leeds kosmische-psyche band Hookworms "they're like a Hawkwind it's OK to like". Sorry, what? I wasn't meant to like Hawkwind? Damn.
Yeah, OK, maybe as a young teen who still believed in all that 1976-as-year-zero nonsense I might have scoffed at the suggestion of listening to hairy blokes from Before Punk, but it wasn't long before the twin influences of Spacemen 3 and recreational herbalism pointed my young mind in a more psychedelic direction. In which Hawkwind were very much a band it WAS OK to like, not least because they were clearly as "punk" as they were "hippy". More so, to be honest, with offshoots such as Hawklords and Inner City Unit embracing the musical shifts of the mid to late seventies and feeding this back into the mothership band. Quarter of a century further down my life - and in the 44th year of their career - Hawkwind's place in the Grand Scheme Of Things is generally better recognised - hell, even their Wikipedia entry calls them "a noted precursor to punk rock, and now considered a link between the hippie and punk cultures".

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