Thursday, 28 June 2012

DRUMBO BOOK MASK REPLICA - post bag and an explanation

Yesterday was a peculiar day. Good things happened (like the arrival of this magnificent book on his sojourn with Captain Beefheart by John "Drumbo" French), but I was feeling a little untogether when I woke up. This led on to me posting the wrong set of notifications (which in turn prompted me to say that I was 'several Rizlas short of a suspiciously long cigarette') However, I got more untogether as the day progressed (totally screwing up a telephone appointment with Tony Hawks - sorry Tony) and by the end of the day I was in the middle of one of my "episodes".

Regular readers will know what I mean. For newbies, I am bipolar, and sometimes - like today - my mental state collapses. I am pilled to the gills at the moment, and can write reasonably coherently, but don't expect much else out of me for a day or two.

Past experience shows that normal service will be resumed in a day or so...

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