Thursday, 31 May 2012

LINK: CoolGrrrls interview with MimI Page

By Betty Davenport

Mimi Page is an eclectic singer/songwriter and producer. Her unique style blends ethereal dreamy soundscapes with melodic, thought provoking vocals and has been compared to the likes of Portishead, Enya and Fiona Apple. After self-releasing several EPs, her single “This Fire” went viral after debuting on MTV’s The Real World charting #1 on and #11 on iTunes’ electronic charts. Mimi has also collaborated with and been remixed by some of the top producers in electronic music including Bassnectar, Bare, Phrenik, Minnesota, Omega, Skytree and Shotgun Radio. Mimi is actively scoring independent films along with licensing original songs to film and television. Her debut full length album “Breathe Me In” featuring co-producer Warren Huart (The Fray, Aerosmith) released February 14th on UK label Hunter Records.

Betty: When did you first start singing and writing songs and tell us a little about your background.

Mimi: I first learned the piano at five. My grandmother was a concert pianist and she taught me piano. Ever since I learned the piano I was writing music. Music is just a gift for me. I always wrote minor keys which is kind of funny because when I look back on my recordings at six and seven it was very dark and moody. It was in high school that I got into electronic music. I went to a specialized music academy in Los Angeles. I had an electronic music class which taught me how to record myself. I never really thought I had a good voice. The musical theater department in my high school was kind of big on Broadway belting and my voice was very soft so I kept to myself. I had a passion for singing though so started recording myself and made some demos. My final project in high school was an album so I decided to put my music up on MySpace. I slowly started gaining a following with those first recordings I did in high school.

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Check out Mimi's Artist page at Gonxo.

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